¡Descúbrelo más sobre Kazuma en esta entrevista en BA NA NA!
Este año ha sido una montaña rusa para el artista bajo AVEX, ya que Kazuma, a pesar de llevar en activo desde hace años con sus compañeros de INTERSECTION y haber lanzado trabajos en solitario, ha enamorado al público con su enorme talento tras su participación en un reality de China.
Tras su paso, el artista ha crecido profesional y personalmente y nos ha mostrado un lado nunca visto para todos sus fans. Actualmente, Kazuma Mitchell se encuentra en un momento profesional como artista en solitario increíble.
Su último gran trabajo se llama "CODE LOVE", en el que encontramos "Drown" junto a Hikari Mitsushima, "Boundless", "Pause.", "White Stallion", "Aim" con Carlo Redl y "Summer is Over" con Mai Anna y producida por Salomon Fox. Todos estos trabajos los ha ido presentado poco a poco antes del lanzamiento de su gran obra final de esta temporada.
Pero, ¿quieres conocer más al Kazuma Mitchell? Quédate con BA NA NA y disfruta de la entrevista en exclusiva que nos ha concedido y con la que nos ha mostrado un nuevo lado suyo como artista.
¡Conoce mejor a Kazuma en nuestra entrevista!
In BA NA NA we are very happy to be able to interview you on this new solo release Kazuma. "CODE LOVE" is your first solo EP, what does this work mean to you? What do you want to express with "CODE LOVE"?Code Love is my take on complexities around ideas of love as well as subtle emotional conflicts between two people who aren’t necessarily romantically involved. It also displays my musical journey, showing me branching out into different genres that I love and haven’t explored while I was in a pop group.
“CODE LOVE” is made up of several songs and you were involved in writing and composing all of them. Where did you get the inspiration to compose? What is the most special song for you or your favorite and that you would like to recommend to your fans?I have been writing songs for years now and have been inspired by a plethora of musicians that I listen to and look up to. My favorite songs would have to be Aim and Summer is Over although I love all of the songs so it was hard to choose. Both are complex in different areas of my writing and I just love the way both of them sound!!
How has the creative process of this work been? (From music, to music videos or even merchandising)I love the process of creation way more than the promotion and things that come after but the feeling of releasing my creations into the world for people to see is so fulfilling and meaningful. The whole process was pretty smooth and I got to work with people that I’m friends with and close with so there was never any pressure or bad vibes in the studio.
How would you define your music? Is there any kind of sound that you would like to try in the future?I would say that it’s alternative r&b where I play with unexpected beats/tracks and harmonies and try to write lyrics and stories that aren’t too straight forward either.
In this new work you have the collaboration of several artists. How did you feel being able to collaborate with these artists on "CODE LOVE"? In the future, with which artists (national or international) would you like to be able to work?I love it. Everyone on the EP is either a friend or someone I became close with through collaboration and it feels good to be able to work along people that I respect and love. In the future I would love to collaborate with artists I look up to such as Jordan Rakei, emawk, Jorja Smith, Hiatus Kaiyote, or Hablot Brown.
We have been able to see you in INTERSECTION and also solo, what would you say is the biggest difference between working as a group and as Kazuma? Do you feel more pressure being solo?I feel more free when doing solo. There isn’t the support system that comes with being in a group and I love the members of INTERSECTION like family but I feel much more creative freedom when I create music as a solo artist.
You currently work as an artist and you also go to Harvard University, how do you work on both things in a balanced way? Is it complicated for you?It’s pretty hard but fun at the same time, I basically have no summer or winter break! However, I enjoy my work as an artist so sometimes it doesn’t feel like work at all.
We know that you have many talents ranging from languages to music, do you have any talents or hobbies that you can tell us about? What do you do in your free time to relax?I love watching Youtube and anime and play video games sometimes. When I really need a day to relax I spend the whole day in my room listening to music or watching something while eating food I love.
What can we expect from Kazuma in the future? Do you have a project that you can tell us or dreams that you would like to achieve?I want to create a full length album as long as a physical record for it and just listen to it when I’m older haha.
Both you solo and INTERSECTION have a very international fan base. How do you feel knowing that you have been able to inspire people from all over the world and they support you in your career?It means a lot to me and I hope to visit all over the world to better understand the cultures that my fans have and educate myself to be a better international person.
Many of your fans are from Latin America or Spain, can you send them a greeting?Thank you guys so much for the support I really appreciate it. I can’t wait to visit both Latin America and Spain and see ya’ll. Te Amo <3
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